- Hi I started this blog Journal today. Well I am very much excited today to share with the God's Children in the world that today onwards I will be sharing lot of amazing ideas, tricks and may be some stuff which I will give you absolutely free.
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Why I am doing this because this was a dream which my dear Google brothers have made true by giving this awesome free tool called Blogger. Please keep visiting as here I will tell you about the most amazing facts about God, Christ, religions, World politics and about the agonies and pains of my motherland India and some ideas that what can be done about it.
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Christianity My Information Library
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1. Lord Jesus has 12 apostels. All of them after Lord's resurrection went to spread christianity and its values to jews in Greece and Rome.
It was St. Thomas only who went to India and they say upto China.
Thhe church hence in Europe and America came from a Catholic foundation. But the church which St. Thomas started in India was the Eastern Orthodox church.
Today their are so many church ministries Catholics, Protestants, Pentecost, Methodist, Pebestryian, Lutherian, Baptist, Bla, bla bla .......... and may be some differences to show them different but I want you all my christian brothers and followers to believe in is
Christian means you accept that Christ our lord was martyred on the Cross by our Father God and resurrected on the third day. He died as payment for our sins.
You are baptised by water, and then Christ baptises you by holy spirit and then you believe in Trinity Father, Son the Jesus and Holy spirit and make the trinity your family and you will see you will become the happiest person in your life.
Tomorrow: Who are hindus and why so much corruption in world in NOn christian countries especially India.
When I became a Christian and got saved and baptised, I asked myself why I was a Hindu before what I was then. Yes brothers I shall answer that today.
Read the Old Testament part fo the Bible and you will get the answer. As per Old testament timeline (try this search on google, I will attach the link later) In 2000 BC the babel tower event happened when God separated
all of us across the world. All of us were at that time descendents of Noah's three Sons Hem, Shem and Japheth.
Infact we were three main races as per color, the White who constitiute our White American and Eurpoean folks, the black who are our bros in Africa and America and the yellow ones, yes the asians. Now these originally are the Aryans.
In 1500 BC after 500 years of Babble tower while White clans were settling in West, the Aryans migrated from
Europe West through Persia to the Indian mainland. If you gaze, all these aryans have also the foundation and similarity to the Greece and ofcourse later the Romans in that they were Idol worshippers.
These idols worshippers consider the natural enttities as air, fire, power as Gods and similar to that the Aryans were. these Aryans after settling in India established the Sanatan Dharma, i.e a Sanatan faith also later called as the Hindu Religion or Hinduism and all the Hindus are nature idol worshippers as I mentioned above. What I want to drive here are two points.
1. As my hindu brothers say, Hinduism is older than Christianity and came first. My dear brothers Christianity doesnot starts from Christ, it starts way back in 4000 BC as per the Genesis. Christianity hence as per me and of course all my Christian brothers already know doesnot starts from Christ, it starts from the origin of old testament. And the evidence is that if Old testament is not there Christ is not there. Because the old testament prophets, Isaiah, Jeremiah, ....... only prophecised coming of the messiah the Jesus Christ.
Yes I know that from our birth, our priests make us believe that Hinduism starts from 1500 BC and Christianity is from Jesus onwards i.e. AD. no that's not correct, Christianity begins from 400BC as Chritianity is Bible, Jesus is a part of the faith. The foundation of this faith the Christianity was laid down by God in 4000 BC.
2. Second important fact is than who are these Hindus and other religion folks. They are yes the sinners who were separated at the Babble tower by the wrath of God and will be judged based on their Karmas which even our Hindu scriptures i.e. vedas say. But if you accept Christ and get saved and baptised, you will not be judged anymore as Jesus already died on the cross for our sins.
You will say why should we become christians, what is the evidence. The evidence is me, ever since I became Christian, my life has changed, I am sin free i.e. worry free and holy spirit lives in me. I cannot explain this to you, as this joy cannot be explained it can be experienced, it can be felt an enjoyed.
One more evidence I give you. See all the countries acroos the world who have accepted our Lord Jesus Christ, the friendly Bible they have changed, they are the developed nations. Their is no corruption, no theft no sorrows, no sufferings there. They are the superpower and they rule the world. They are the peaceful lot. Yes I am talking about American nations, european nations and some asian nations too.
But where are we, our country India is it not a replica of Iraq with those politicians acting in place of Saddam Hussein and what have you done as part of your Hinduism. The day you accept Bible, the day you accept Christ the Gods world America and Europe will be with you and you will become honest, punish the corrupt and theifs and all the Saddam Husseins in India, because when you accept Jesus, you will be sin free, dishonesty free, corruption free, theft free and you will see that Lord will free you from the fear and shackles of the dictator politicians too.
Ok I stop here now. tomorrow I will tell you an awesome way where you need not leave your Hindusism and can also accept Christ at the same time. Sounds interesting, yes that's my experiement and Lord Jesus and Father God have asked me to carry. Remember pray all gods but remember whenever you worship any God, that you are praying to one and only one almighty Father God.
A small secret, we have a fine prophet (saint) in our country, Shridi's Saibaba, what does he say, Sabka Malik Ek. There is is only one Father God fo all who is the owner of this whole world. Praise Lord, Haluluia.
Please bear with me! I am working on this.
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